The Business of Animal Welfare
Kangaroos Are Not Shoes Campaign
Nike is helping to drive the biggest slaughter of wildlife on the planet
If you listened to Nike, and read their corporate propaganda you might think they are an ethical company focused on producing sustainable, cruelty-free products. We wish this were true. The fact is Nike, as one of the biggest buyers of kangaroo skin in the world is helping to drive a bloody killing spree across outback Australia.
Two million kangaroos are killed every year predominantly to be turned into pet food and shoes. It’s a disgrace. Kangaroos are one the world’s most beloved, iconic and unique animals — it’s almost beyond comprehension that Nike sees fit to profit from their cruel slaughter.

Nike continues to produce and profit from kangaroo skin soccer boots. Recently releasing yet another version of their cruel 'Tiempo Legend'. How do they justify this when they have already developed synthetic alternatives like kanga-lite that performs just as well and is cruelty free.