How We Do It
Benchmarking Standards
Assessing Industry Performance
Championing Alternatives
Educating Consumers
Engaging Corporations
Lobbying Policymakers
Conducting Campaigns
We need not accept the idea of routine cruelty in agriculture, entertainment, wildlife management, or any other part of our economy and culture. Together, by adopting new standards through political channels and reinforcing what business leaders are doing and ready to do, we can create a new normal when it comes to our human relationship with animals.
Learn About Our Campaigns

Animal Fighting is the Pits
We are working to end both dogfighting and cockfighting. Cockfighting is one of the biggest underground animal-use industries in the U.S., with fighting birds raised on an agricultural scale.

Banning Greyhound Racing

Cage-Free Future
We are working toward a national policy to ban gestation crates on pig farms and small cages at laying hen facilities.

Dunking the Milk Mandate in Schools
We are working to make milk alternatives more readily available to school children by eliminating the government milk mandate in the National School Lunch Program. One outcome may be better treatment of cows on farms.

Elephants in Crisis
Thailand advertises the elephant as an icon. But after Thailand restricted logging, more than 3,000 captive elephants were reemployed in tourist enterprises — with inhumane training techniques, unending labor and abandonment or chaining during economic downturns.

End Horse Slaughter
We are working to ban the predatory horse slaughter industry that takes advantage of animals never raised for the plate.

Getting the Lead Out

Kangaroos Are Not Shoes
We are working to stop the commercial killing in Australia of roughly two million wild kangaroos annually — mainly to manufacture soccer cleats.

Modernize Testing

Protecting the Orca
Only 73 orcas now swim off the Pacific Northwest coast, their numbers dwindled because of salmon overfishing. We don’t need to eat King Salmon. Orcas do.

ReThink Mink
We are working to end mink farming for fur — an industry that causes immense suffering to mink and poses major animal and human health threats because of the unique susceptibility of factory-farmed mink to SARS-CoV-2.

Saving Wolves
We are working to stop the assaults on wolves across their range in the United States, including in Idaho, Montana, and Wisconsin where the states have initiated particularly ruthless killing plans for wolves.

Snowmobiles Aren’t Weapons

Tourism without Trophy Hunting
We are working to stop the needless hunting of threatened and endangered wildlife — including elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards, wolves and grizzly bears.