Press Release

Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humae Economy Announce New Hires: Texas and Arizona State Directors 

Washington, D.C. — Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy announce the appointments of Linda Robertson as Texas State Director and Lara Kraft as Arizona State Director. 

Animal Wellness Action focuses on passing state and federal legislation to better protect animals, while the Center for a Humane Economy urges corporations to include animal welfare in their supply chains, R&D programs, and other operations, thereby creating a more humane economic order.

Robertson and Kraft will work on local issues in their respective states to advance the groups’ efforts to protect animals. 

“It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome our new state directors for Texas and Arizona, both bringing commitment and capability on animal welfare,” said Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action, and the Center for a Humane Economy. “These Sun Belt states, and the animals calling them home, will be well served by our new team members in our crucial mission to help all animals.”

Linda Robertson, Texas State Director 

Robertson has led media relations and communications outreach and strategy for four top-tier national universities, a for-profit education company, and the country’s largest natural gas provider. She has provided consulting services for two animal advocacy organizations. Her career began as a broadcast journalist, covering health and medical news, as well as events such as circus protests, BLM wild horse roundups, and numerous animal abuse cases.

Robertson’s personal involvement in animal advocacy is a testament to her passion. She played a key role in coordinating the Pittsburgh Walk for Farmed Animals in its early years, worked on the Ohioans for Humane Farms campaign by collecting signatures for ballot initiatives, and distributed animal welfare literature at numerous Ringling Bros. Circus events prior to it going animal-free.

Her commitment extends to engaging in peaceful protests of the rodeo, captive animal exhibits, and animal experimentation, and participating in Anonymous for the Voiceless Cubes of Truth outreach in Las Vegas and Houston. Her lifestyle also reflects her beliefs, as she has been a vegetarian most of her life and vegan since 2010.

“My lifelong passion has been advocating for animal rights and welfare by giving animals the voice they deserve to protect them from cruelty, abuse, and neglect,” said Robertson. “It’s an honor to join Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy to help bring positive change for animals in the Lone Star State and around the nation.”

Lara Kraft, Arizona State Director 

In 2017, Kraft began working with Keepers of the Wild, an accredited wildlife sanctuary and nature park in Northern Arizona. Falling in love with the animals and mission at the sanctuary, she quickly became more involved. Her dedication and hard work led to her promotion to media director and vice president in 2019, later followed by her election as board chairwoman. In 2024, Lara was appointed as the co-executive director. 

Through her work, Kraft strives to educate the public about animal welfare and ecological issues and hopes to help create a more harmonious society where humans, animals, and nature can coexist in balance — an important future realization for her young daughter to experience. Combining her love for animals, nature, education, and advocacy, Kraft is a passionate advocate for the well-being of all living beings.

With a lengthy background in surgical coordination and technology, educational program development, and grant management, Kraft brings a unique blend of skills and experience to her current roles at Keepers of the Wild and with us as Arizona state director.

“Joining the dedicated team of Animal Wellness Action as the Arizona State Director is an honor and a lifelong dream,” said Kraft. “It is an extraordinary experience to work with a coalition of animal welfare advocates to inspire and drive positive change in our society, giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.”

Center for a Humane Economy is a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)(3) whose mission is to help animals by helping forge a more humane economic order. The first organization of its kind in the animal protection movement, the Center encourages businesses to honor their social responsibilities in a culture where consumers, investors, and other key stakeholders abhor cruelty and the degradation of the environment and embrace innovation as a means of eliminating both. The Center believes helping animals helps us all. Twitter: @TheHumaneCenter

Animal Wellness Action is a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)(4) whose mission is to help animals by promoting laws and regulations at federal, state and local levels that forbid cruelty to all animals. The group also works to enforce existing anti-cruelty and wildlife protection laws. Animal Wellness Action believes helping animals helps us all. Twitter: @AWAction_News