Prospective Legislative Action Allowing Private Citizens to Run Over Wildlife with Snowmobiles Is ‘Unconscionable,’ Say Animal Welfare Groups

U.S. Senators Tell Australia that the U.S. Market Will Be Closed to Skins and Other Kangaroo Parts, Especially for Athletic Shoes

Senators Across the Political Spectrum Introduce Legislation to Demand FDA Implement Regulations to Wind Down Inaccurate, Expensive Animal Testing in New Drug Development

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Take Action

Webinar on Prop 127, which would make trophy-hunting mountain lions illegal in Colorado

The Center and Animal Wellness Action are members of a broad coalition supporting the initiative, which would make illegal the egregious practice of using packs of dogs equipped with telemetry devices to chase mountain lions up trees, where they remain terrified until a “hunter” shoots them down just to mount them as trophies.

The Elephants Are in Crisis and Need Your Help NOW!

The Elephant Nature Park in Thailand has been ravaged by flood waters and so far, two elephants have died. Also lost are the preserve's 40 water buffalos and hundreds of other animals. Gone is the food supply for the elephants still struggling to survive. All contributions will go towards relief efforts, including food supplies, veterinary care, and emergency management.

Heartbreaking Footage Released of Cody Roberts Torturing the Wyoming Wolf

Cody Roberts plowed a wolf down with his snowmobile, taped her mouth shut, tortured her, and dragged her before his buddies at the Green River Bar in Daniel, Wyoming. Recently found footage shows Roberts tormenting her at the bar.

“Consumer choice informed by conscience is an unstoppable force for good.”

Wayne Pacelle, The Humane Economy: How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers Are Transforming the Lives of Animals


Your gift TODAY will be doubled for our fight to stop USFWS’s plan to shoot 500,000 migratory owls.

This plan is:

•  Unworkable

•  Destined to fail

•  Inhumane